Extensions & Mini-Plugins

On this page you’ll find various mini plugins and AMP compatibility extensions for popular themes and plugins, along with mini plugins that work independently.

Some of the plugins below are developed in-house and some are third-party extensions. If you’ve built a compatibility solution, theme, or plugin, feel free to submit your addition to the list below or to the ecosystem page using this form.

The plugins listed below are not found on the WordPress plugin repository. To install any of the below, please download the related zip file and install using the standard WordPress plugins upload method

Mini PluginPurposeType
WordFence CompatibilityPrevents Wordfence from causing AMP validation errorsExtension
GeneratePress AMP Adds compatibility for the GeneratePress themeExtension
Eksell AMPAdds compatibility for the Eksell themeExtension
Artpop AMPAdds compatibility for the Artpop themeExtension
Star RatingsAdds a JavaScript-free star rating field for commentsExtension
AMP FX Collection – AMP ComponentInjects AMP visual effects into blocks via class names via the amp-fx-collection componentComponent Integration
Tag Manager with AMPAllows you to easily  add Google Tag Manager (GTM) to your AMP site in WordPress. Site Kit can also be used for this purpose. Mini Plugin
AMP Server TimingEnables the official AMP plugin to send Server-Timing response headers when WP_DEBUG is enabled or an administrator is logged-inMini Plugin
Brid PlayerAMP Brid Player plugin for WordPress, with support for non-AMP fallback: https://github.com/ampproject/amp-wp/issues/3638Mini Plugin
GEO MashupMakes the Geo Mashup plugin work with the AMP plugin; see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/shortcodes-for-geo-mashup-not-working/Extension
WebP ImagesWraps all generated amp-img elements with another amp-img that points to a WebPMini Plugin
Flickity to amp-carouselAutomatically converts markup intended for Flickity to amp-carouselMini Plugin
Gravity FormsAMP shim support for Gravity Forms submissionsExtension
Amp_is_request shortcodeWordPress shortcode for conditionally showing content based on whether or not it is an AMP response.Mini Plugin
Query monitor with AMPIntegrates Query Monitor with AMP dev mode so that its scripts/styles are not removed in the sanitization process. Depends on AMP plugin v1.3+Extension
Contact Form 7Ensures that success/error messages are displayed when submitting forms fromContact Form 7 on AMP pages generated by the official AMP pluginExtension
Ultimate Blocks CountdownMakes the Countdown block AMP-compatibleExtension
Auto Ads for AMPAdds <amp-auto-ads> on WordPress sites powered by the official AMP plugin. Site Kit can also be used for this purpose. Mini Plugin
WordPress Credit RemoveRemoves this credits line for sites that don’t want itMini Plugin
Reader Mode CommentsDemonstrates adding comments to Reader mode templates.  Mini Plugin
JetPack Form Submission Workaround for issue with Contact Form where AMP form submissions are incorrectly identified as being non-frontend requestsExtension
Breeze CacheDisables HTML, JS, and CSS minification to create valid AMP pagesMini Plugin
PDF EmbedderMake PDF embedder plugin AMP-compatible using amp-google-document-embed component Mini Plugin
Indieweb with SemPressAddresses incompatibilities in Indieweb plugin and extensions with Sempress theme Mini Plugin
Adsense AdsSearch and replaces any references for AdSense ad units inserted by your theme or other pluginsMini Plugin
AMP Generic Compatibility Adds a toggle mechanism that can be used to toggle menus, search box, etc. Also facilitates adding custom JS and custom CSS to AMP pages.
Note:Does not support jQuery.
Mini Plugin
WordPress Zero SpamAdds compatibility for WordPress Zero Spam pluginMini Plugin
Chaplin ThemeAdds compatibility for Chaplin theme Mini Plugin
CologMag ThemeAdds compatibility for ColorMag theme Mini Plugin
Wistia WordPress PluginAdds compatibility for Official Wistia WordPress Plugin for OembedMini Plugin
Lazy Social CommentsAdds compatibility for Lazy Social Comments/Facebook CommentsMini Plugin
Email Subscribers & Newsletters – Simple and Effective Email Marketing WordPress PluginAdds compatibility for Email Subscribers & Newsletters – Simple and Effective Email Marketing WordPress PluginMini Plugin
Disable ESM ModuleThe plugin helps you disable ESM JS module (Optimizer introduced in 2.1 – notes)Mini Plugin
AMP Paired Block VisibilityFor paired AMP sites hide any blocks with a simply display toggleMini Plugin
AMP HideHide any element anywhere by classMini Plugin
Tawk.to Chat BotAdd a Tawk.to live chat feature to your WordPress site.Mini Plugin
Disqus AMP Disqus AMP Compatibility. Requires the Disqus plugin. Extension
Infinite ScrollAdds infinite scroll feature to the theme.Mini Plugin
AMP Site Scan DisableThis plugin will disable the AMP site scan while activating plugins or a theme in the WordPress admin.Mini Plugin
AMP Reader Theme WidgetsWhen a core theme is used as a Reader theme, expose its sidebars on the Widgets admin screen prefixed by “AMP”. Widgets added to these sidebars will show up when viewing AMP pages. Please note that the AMP widget sidebars aren’t made available for editing in the CustomizerMini Plugin
AMP Force Hero Image PreloadingForcing hero images to be preloaded, even when they are responsive and lack media attributesMini Plugin
AMP Mobile Server-Side RedirectionDisable the default client-side JS-based mobile redirection in lieu of opt-in to server-side HTTP redirectsMini Plugin
AMP Path Prefix Paired URLsConfigure AMP plugin v2.1 to use an “amp” path prefix for paired AMP URLs (in Transitional mode or Reader mode).Mini Plugin
AMP EnhancerAMP Enhancer is a Compatibility Layer for the Official AMP Plugin, Compatibility with 34+ PluginsPlugin
Lovecraft theme Adds compatibility for Lovecraft theme.Mini Plugin